The RARE ENGLISH VERSION of this Bavarian sex romp comes to us courtesy of producer Alois Brummer, who broke into the business producing a series of films about Graf Porno (Count Porno) and ultimately directed 16 sex films himself before his premature death in 1984 at the age of 57. He was also involved in producing work for the avowed kings of this genre (Ernst Hofbauer, Hans Billian and Hubert Frank) and, knowing a cash-cow when he saw one, imported Michael Findlay’s “Snuff” to Germany, also.
“Snow Bunnies” is an absolutely delightful example of its kind. The story involves a group of Berlin vacationers who arrive by bus at a remote snow village high in the mountains, where the hotel is operated by a cranky father Wirt (Franz Muxeneder), an elderly housekeeper (Rosa Mayr, a staple of the “Schoolgirl Report” films), a roguish handyman named Sepp (Konstantin Wecker, billed as “Peter Wecker” ha ha!) and the hotelier’s plump-breasted daughter Vroni (Judith Fritsch). The guests include the wealthy but inexperienced Mr. Miller (genre fixture Josef Moosholzer) and a bevy of voluptuous young student girls, restless newlyweds and vacationing widows, all on the lookout for some action in the sack. Sepp is only too happy to oblige them, which leads to not-too-serious complications with Vroni and her father.
Above all, the women in this film – Dorothea Rau, Gisela Schwartz, Monika Rohde, Heidi Kappler and others – are uniformly gorgeous. Brummer invests the story with numerous kid-in-a-candy-store erotic situations and leavens them with Benny Hill-like humor, which keeps the mood consistently light and frothy. Fred Tornow also contributes a jaunty Bavarian folk score that encompasses polka and a tender theme song for Vroni. I’ve also left in the original Cinemax rating disclaimer to lend a further touch of nostalgia.

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